aDA website compliance: Protect yourself from legal issues
Our website compliance services will help you ensure your website is compliant with ADA regulations, so you can avoid any legal issues.
Customer Needs
Our ADA services ensure that your website is accessible to everyone easily.
On-Time Delivery
Our company offers you both on-time delivery and website compliance.
Responsible Team
Save Time and Money with Responsible Team ADA website compliance.
Making your website accessible to everyone regardless of device or screen size
Create a website that is accessible to all
Our team of experts will work with you to ensure your website is compliant and accessible to all users, regardless of ability. We will help you make your website an inclusive space for all.
Get a comprehensive approach to website accessibility
Our tailored website compliance solution takes a comprehensive approach to website accessibility that includes both technical and usability solutions. We work with you to identify the specific needs of your business and then provide a solution that meets all of your requirements. Plus, our team of experts is always available to help you with any questions or problems you may encounter.
Our specialist team will create an accessible website for you
 Our ADA-compliant website design services ensure that all users, regardless of ability, can engage with your content. We specialize in creating websites that are accessible to all and improve web traffic and engagement from users with disabilities.
Our team will fix issues fast
Our team of experts provides ongoing monitoring and maintenance of your website to ensure continued compliance over time. We'll work quickly to identify and fix any issues before they cause long-term damage.
  • The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted in 1990, requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabled employees. The law applies to businesses that employ 15 or more people, including government agencies and nonprofit groups, and it covers both public and private entities. While the ADA does not require companies to make special arrangements for individuals with mental health issues, it does require them to take steps to ensure that those conditions don't negatively impact others. For example, if someone needs to use a bathroom during work hours, the employer must grant permission or provide a separate facility where such requests are honored. Employers must also allow workers to request flexible schedules, and they must give notice about schedule changes.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) doesn't specifically mention websites, despite being amended several times since it was passed in 1990. This omission has led to confusion among businesses trying to comply with the law, especially those operating ecommerce sites.
  • The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that web pages are accessible to people with disabilities. This includes ensuring that text is large enough to read, correctly tagged images, and navigation elements work well. If your site isn't compliant, it could hurt your bottom line. To ensure your site is accessible, we recommend using the WebAIM Free Online Test Tool. You will have to check both the HTML version and the rendered view.
  • There are a few key things that an ADA-compliant website must have:

    The website must be accessible to people with disabilities
    -The website must be easy to navigate
    -The website must be able to be used with assistive technologies
    -The website must be readable and understandable

    Some other things that are often included in ADA-compliant websites are:
    -Alt text for images
    -Transcripts for audio/video
    -Closed captioning for video
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act is a US law that governs web accessibility in the US. I say “considered” because the ADA was enacted 30 years ago before the web or web accessibility. The Justice Department worked for years to develop ADA and web accessibility regulations. It was getting close when 2016 happened, and the newly instated President stopped all new regulations. This has been a big problem for businesses because they have no clear instructions on what to do and how long they have to do it. At the same time, lawsuits are skyrocketing.
  • ADA-compliant sites not only present equal accessibility to people with disabilities but also safeguard your business from any legal ramifications due to non-compliance. We worked with clients in the past who had to deal with lawsuits filed by individuals with disabilities. Although we made their sites ADA compliant, saving them from further legal troubles, they were late in making their sites ADA compliant. If your website caters to general consumers, ADA compliance or an accessible website becomes necessary.