Klaviyo Silver Partner
Klaviyo SMS: Send automated SMS messages to your customers
Klaviyo makes it easy to send automated SMS messages to your customers, so they always know what's going on with their orders.
One stop solution
We provide you with a one-stop solution for all your SMS needs with Klaviyo
Great support
We provide great support so that you can keep your business running smoothly
Well organized
We keep your SMS marketing organized and on-brand with Klaviyo SMS
Best team
We make the perfect SMS message to your customers at the right time
Increase retention rates with custom SMS messages
SMS messages are the perfect way to show your customers that you appreciate them and want them to have a great experience with your brand. Our team of experts will help you create custom messages for each stage of the customer journey, so you can increase retention rates and boost your bottom line.
Increase Retention Rates With Custom SMS Messages
Add SMS to your email marketing strategy
In order to reach more customers and increase your conversion rates, we recommend adding SMS messages to your email marketing strategy. Our SMS messages are designed to complement your current flows and help you recover lost sales and subscribers.
Add SMS To Your Email Marketing Strategy
Gain valuable data for future marketing campaigns
Klaviyo's Home Page Opt-In and Exit Intent Opt-In are the perfect place to start. These two forms will help you gather consent from your existing customers, and provide you with the data you need to continue marketing to them. Plus, our additional Opt-In will help you gather consent from any new customers who sign up on your website.
Gain Valuable Data For Future Marketing Campaigns
Adding SMS to your email marketing strategy
We have extensive experience in email marketing and can help you strategize, optimize, and add additional SMS messaging to your overall email marketing strategy for maximum impact.
Adding SMS To Your Email Marketing Strategy
  • Klaviyo does not offer SMS at this time. However, the platform does allow you to send SMS notifications to your customers’ cell phones. You can also receive SMS messages from customers through Klaviyo.
  • Klaviyo SMS is available in the United States and Canada.
  • There are a few different ways to create an SMS list on Klaviyo. One way is to create a list if you have customer data in a CSV file. To do this, you first need to import your customer data into Klaviyo. Once the data is imported, you can then create a new list segment based on that data.

    Another way to create an SMS list is by importing phone numbers into Klaviyo. You can either upload a file of phone numbers or copy and paste them into the input field. Once the phone numbers are imported, you can create a new list segment based on that data.
  • There are a few different ways that you can go about getting SMS subscribers on Klaviyo. One way is to create a signup form on your website or blog that allows people to opt-in to receive SMS updates from you. You can also promote your SMS list on social media or run ads encouraging people to sign up.

    Once you have a list of subscribers, you can start sending them periodic updates, coupons, or other information that would interest them. SMS can also drive traffic to your website or blog or promote special events or sales. If you have an eCommerce store, you can even use SMS to send out order confirmation and shipping updates.
  • SMS stands for Short Message Service and is a text message service component of most telephone, World Wide Web, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communications protocols to enable mobile devices to exchange short text messages. On the other hand, an email is an electronic document downloaded or opened on a computer or other electronic device. Emails are typically much longer than SMS messages and can include attachments.
  • SMS stands for Short Message Service and is a text-only communication between two mobile devices. MMS, or Multimedia Messaging Service, allows you to send text, photos, and videos between two mobile devices.

    SMS is the more common of the two services as it doesn't require data usage (which can get expensive if you're not on a plan that includes unlimited messaging). MMS is valuable if you want to send a photo or video because it will be sent as an attachment rather than as part of the message's text.